Privacy Policy

In order to complete your booking with us we require from you certain personal information. The mandatory fields are clearly identified and they will allow us to:

  • Confirm your reservations
  • Comunicate with you
  • Improve our offers and services
  • Improve your experience as a user of our website

Under no circunstances we will share or disclose your personal information with others.

Use of costumer information

ANARENT CARS, LDA. is committed to protect your privacy, and takes its responsabilities regarding the security of costumer information given on our website. All the information given on our website will only be used to what our costumers consented for.

Liability for loss and damage

ANARENT CARS, LDA. is not responsible for any direct or non direct damage caused by this website usage. Each user is responsible to take adequate measures to assure that the information acquired is free of virus or other undesirable software.

Third parties information

In case you provide third parties information, such as emails or delivery addresses, you agree that you obtain consent from the third parties to disclosure this information.

Use and access to costumer information

The use of customer information is responsability of ANARENT CARS, LDA. based in Portimão - Portugal, NIPC 514 855 703.

According to the Law n.º 67/98 26th October, users are allowed to access and rectify their personal information given previously, by contacting us on